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How Can Diversion Manager Increase Efficiency in Your Prosecutor’s Office?
Introducing Diversion Manager How to Videos
Diversion Manager for Probation Officers
Happy Independence Day from Our Advent Family to Yours
Has it Been a While Since You’ve Assigned a Diversion?
Why Diversion Manager Funds Management?
All About Diversion Manager Automation
Financial Crimes Course Highlight
Why You Need an Effective Substance Abuse Program
Marketing Support Available from Advent eLearning
The Role of Defense Attorneys in Securing Diversion Programs
What a Newly Elected Prosecutor Needs to Know About Diversion Programs
Defensive Driving Course Highlight
Get to know Dr. Amy Hasinoff
Risk, Need, & Responsivity in Evidence-Based Criminal Justice Interventions
The Importance of Education Before Incarceration
Working Towards Tier 3 PCI Compliance
Corrective Thinking Course Highlight
The Benefits of Taking the eLearning Parenting Course